Monday, April 13, 2009

Color Me Stoked

OK, so I should probably revise my Celebrity Crush list to include the one and only Mr. Dane Cook because I just adore him. I mean, not only is he incredibly sexy (in a bad-boy-you-love-to-hate kinda way), but he's hysterically funny. I've always wanted to see him live and just found out that he's coming to SLC on May 21st. Color me stoked! Just got my tickets today....CAN. NOT. WAIT. Now, how can I go about meeting him? I guess I've got a month to figure out my line of attack, er, stalking plan. Wait, no. I mean, oh, nevermind. :)


  1. I just watched "Employee of the Month" again last night. He's so funny! Have you ever seen Stephen Lynch? He's good looking, can sing, play the guitar and he's funny. :)

  2. can i be your backup if N cannot go?
