Monday, April 13, 2009

Celebrity Wrap Up - Tuesday Edition

Welcome to the early edition of Tuesday's Wrap Up.Dear Ashlee Simpson: You are NOT a 1920's flapper, so please stop dressing like one.Dear Amy Poehler and Will Arnett: OMG. Seriously. Could that baby be any cuter? I think not.Dear Fergie: How did you possibly keep a straight face next to that terrifying bunny? I'm going to have nightmares for years just from looking at this picture.Dear Mariah Carey: Really? Again with the matchy-matchy outfits? P.S. That dress isn't doing you any favors. And put down your pinky. You're not Dr. Evil.Dear Matthew Mc-con-a-hottie: I could not possibly love anything more than the sight of you holding your son. Triple yum to infinity.

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