Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Celebrity Wrap Up - Thursday Edition

Hello and welcome to Thursday's edition of Celebrity Wrap Up.Way to go, Mickey Rourke and Kim Basinger. Thank you for destroying what was once an incredibly hot movie (9 1/2 Weeks) and letting us see how washed up and sad the lead actors became. Nice. I'll bet you a million dollars that Woody Harrelson not only made this hat himself, but that it's made out of hemp. I'm just saying.Thank you, Skeletor (errr, Lindsay Lohan), for not wearing tights-as-pants and actually wearing a real dress. It's a welcome change!What is wrong with this picture? Is Rihanna wearing a Bedazzled shirt as a bathing suit? And is Katy Perry wearing a diaper? Yikes.I'm going on the record to say that anyone wearing a bright blue leather jacket, even if you're named Channing Tatum and starring in a big film, is a total douchebag. Has he been hanging out with Ashton and Anthony?

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