Saturday, April 4, 2009

Celebrity Wrap Up - Saturday Edition

Hello and welcome to today's edition of Celebrity Wrap Up.Dear Lindsay Lohan: Really? The first time you decide to wear actual pants and they're sprayed on with massive holes in them? Wow. I have no words. How can you walk in those shoes? You look like an accident waiting to happen.Dear Madonna: I realize you're ticked off about your adoption request being rejected and all, but I'm not sure flaunting your wealth by wearing a black leather jacket around a poverty stricken area is the way to go. I'm just saying.Dear Nicolas Cage: Why are you trying to break up with me? How can you possibly continue to be my #2 when you insist on looking like that? My eyes are bleeding.Dear Miley Cyrus: I'm not sure if anyone's told you, but you seem to have forgotten your pants.Dear Rihanna: Your hair is still a world of no, but why are you trying to channel both Michael Jackson (with the glasses, hat, hair, and cropped jacket) and Mr. T (with the gold chain)? Come on, you're better than that.

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