Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Battle of the Credit Cards

So, I'm totally fighting with my credit card company right now. Apparently, when I made (er, *tried* to make) my payment last week, I accidentally mis-typed my bank routing number and so the payment was rejected. Well, instead of somehow contacting and letting me know (which, oh, I don't know, seems like the rational thing to do), they posted not one, but TWO $39 charges to my account. Um, what?!?! When I called to dispute said charges I was basically accused of purposely entering my information incorrectly and told they couldn't waive the charges. Oh. Hmmm. Now, why on earth would I ever want my payment not to clear? What sense does that make? I've never been late and have quite a large balance, so you'd think they might want to appease me. The lady made me so mad....I asked to speak with her supervisor and she said, "Can I finish what I was saying?" and I said, "No. I'm done talking with you. I need a supervisor please." Hey - at least I didn't say, "Thanks for nothing!" like I usually end calls that tick me off with. :)

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