Wednesday, April 29, 2009

And I Thought He Wanted To Hang Out

Yesterday after work I drove to Fort Union to visit with an old friend from home, Dave. I hadn't seen him in about 14 years and I was excited to hang out with him (after reconnecting on Facebook, of course). Although we'd caught up on the phone last week, he asked me to come by his office because he wanted to show me something after we'd talked about my time in Italy. So, here I go thinking he's found some picture or something cool relating to Italy. Wrong. There I was, sitting in an office, when he starts showing me some Powerpoint presentation on a computer. Suddenly it dawned on me that I was there to be pitched a product. Are you kidding me? I actually said, "Are you pitching me right now?" I couldn't believe it! Talk about luring someone's prey to water and then attacking. Not that what he showed me wasn't cool (it was some sort of travel thing), but come on. I was there to see him, not get a new career. Of course, it was still fun to see him - I just wish I'd had a little heads up! :)

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