Saturday, March 7, 2009

Wii for Mii

Last night I was invited out to (BFE) Riverton to have dinner at my friend Taryn's house (thank you, Taryn! It was delish). It was great to see her and spend time with her cute little family (although, having a five-year-old say "in your face" to me after he beat me at Wii bowling was a little disheartening). Speaking of the Wii, it should come as no surprise that last night was my first time even seeing one (hello, I still have cassette tapes and record shows on VCRs). I liked playing the bowling game and was amazed at how fun it was to create your little Mii icon. Even better? Taryn's daughter had this super cool book called Pinkalicious. I had no idea someone wrote a book about me! :)

1 comment:

Taryn said...

Thanks for driving way out to BFE! It was fun to see you again and I hope we can get together again soon!