Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Seriously, Shouldn't Tears Run Out?

OK, this has got to stop. I thought a good night's sleep would help with the crying, but apparently all it did was give it a little break. I woke up with swollen eyes and a new batch of tears. What on earth? Don't they ever stop? People at work must think I'm a freak - always crying like a big ol' baby. There has GOT to be a limit on how many tears can fall - if I stop drinking anything, will I run out of water used to produce them? A girl can dream, right?

1 comment:

  1. the trouble with crying before bed is that it gives you puffy eyes which only reminds you in the morning that you are still sad. it's like an endless cycle of pain. my only solution is to focus on truth and reassuring sorts of things. look for things that give me confidence and joy and a sense of love. shifting focus (and it takes constant effort) is the only thing i've found that helps me stem the flood of tears. i'm sorry you're hurting.
