Friday, March 20, 2009

R.I.P. - Beloved Pillow 2004-2009

Let's talk about pillows. Specifically, the pillow you sleep with each night. Do you have a favorite? Do you have a bed filled with pillows? You know the kind - pillows upon pillows upon pillows with a few display pillows on top? I'm not that kind of girl. I like one pillow and a very specific pillow at that. I've had my pillow about five years (although I could be wrong and it may have been more like ten years??) and I LOVE my pillow. Despite it being the "Charlie Brown Tree" of pillows, having been washed a million times, I love it with all my heart. I take it everywhere and can't sleep without it (yes, I'm a child, no need to dwell on it). So, it's with complete and total devastation that I announce my pillow has moved on to the big pillow in the sky. Alas, I believe it's breathed its last breath (although, it hasn't stopped me from still trying to sleep with it...and by it I mean a bunch of feathers). I did buy a new pillow, but it's not the same. It's too fluffy. It's not broken in. I was going to take a picture of my recently deceased pillow, but all you'd see would be a pile of feathers. Sigh. How do I break in the new pillow? Will I ever sleep again?

1 comment:

  1. I have to have my pillow too and sadly it's time for a new one also but I just can't seem to shop for one yet, it makes me sad.
