Monday, March 2, 2009

Pinky's Fandance, Monday Edition

Here's a funny story. Once upon a time I managed a Mrs. Field's Cookies in Provo, Utah. While I worked there, I had this HUGE crush on a boy who worked at the Golden Swirl (a yogurt place) a few stores down from ours in the mall. His name was Art and he had a friend named Bart (yes, insert all of the Art & Bart jokes you'd like) who hung out practically every night and would always come beg the extra cookies off me. They even borrowed my car when I was on vacation (but that's another story). Flash forward several years later when I saw Bart driving in his car on the 405 freeway in California near San Diego (totally random, right?). We pulled over and chatted and I believe he told me he was trying to get into acting. Flash forward even more and he starred as Troy's dad on High School Musical (among other things - that's just probably his highest profile project). So, now, every time I see him at Sundance, more and more people are mobbing him for pictures. Meanwhile, all I can think of is how many cookies he begged off me at Mrs. Field's Cookies. :) Oh, his name is Bart Johnson, by the way.

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