Thursday, March 12, 2009

New Day, New Attitude

While it's true my eyes are still swollen from crying, I was actually able to put make-up on today (hooray! The world rejoices). I believe I'm now down to thinking about him every other second, instead of every second, so it's a step in the right direction. Oh, and people leaving messages about my changed relationship status on Facebook is actually sort of comforting. Speaking of Facebook, you know I was having a rough day yesterday when I actually accepted a cyber hug from a friend - we all know how I feel about those. Yet, somehow, it was exactly what I needed (go figure). Things are looking up. I'm waiting for the rage to kick in full-time and knock this sadness right now. That will rule. Hurry up, rage! :)
UPDATE: Drat. Spoke too soon. My stupid make-up has already streaked my puffy face. Darn Facebook messages and the overall outpouring of love. As much as it's appreciated, if I take one second to think about how I am, the waterworks start all over again. Blurgh. All I hear in my head are the kindly (insert sarcasm here) spoken words, "I don't love you and I NEVER will." How does one recover from such a low blow? I'm thinking of making it into a poster and looking at it every day. Inspiring, no?

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