Friday, March 13, 2009

The Long and Winding Road

On my drive today I was thinking about how I've never really put much thought into driving long distances. It seems like whenever I mention driving to California (which I've probably done, oh, like a trillion times in my lifetime), people always flip out and wonder why I drive instead of fly. Here's the thing - I grew up in a small town which was three hours from LAX, so to pick me up from the airport, it took a round-trip six-hour drive (which is half the time it'd take to just drive the whole way). I guess it just became second nature. Plus, I love driving. The road can be so relaxing and comforting and I feel completely in control of my journey. Flying? Ugh. Hate it. Never feel safe. Always feel in the hands of someone else who may or may not delay my entire trip. Plus, you can pack more in a car and see a variety of people (which is handy in my case, as I seem to have a bunch of people in any area I visit). Granted, sometimes flying makes more sense, but I think I'd almost always prefer to drive. Call me crazy, but hey. It wouldn't be the first time. :)

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