Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Let's Face It - Jason is a SLEAZEBALL

OK, seriously, what happened on The Bachelor last night was no funny matter at all. What kind of sleazeball breaks up with his fiancee on live TV and then begs the girl he let go back? It was *almost* as tacky as DeAnna coming on the show to say she made a mistake by choosing Jesse (which couldn't feel good for Jesse to hear....sheesh. No class, DeAnna, no class at all). I hope Jason ends up alone. I really do. And I felt bad for his son having to choose between those girls - how confusing would that be to a three-year-old? He looks completely perplexed and rightfully so...that was not normal behavior. I think I'm so disappointed because Jason initially seemed so genuine and noble, but all he turned out to be was a total tool. I would've rather watched Jesse than Jason. At least he wouldn't be breaking hearts all over the Northern continent.


  1. My thoughts exactly!! I was soo disappointed in Jason.

  2. I can't believe what a tool Jason is. And to think, I actually felt bad when Deanna didn't choose him last year (even though I was rooting for Jesse). I think most of the bachelors and bachelorettes get this sort of God complex and think it is all about them because they have 25 men or women drooling over them. Both Deanna and Jason have turned out to be complete media whores in the end. Super disappointing. I'd like to say I am done with this show, but it's a trainwreck I just have to watch, time after time...
