Friday, March 20, 2009

Grumpy Friday

I'm not sure if it was the movie, the loud music at KFC, or my friend's perfume, but by the time we ended up at KFC for dinner, I had the worst headache in the world coming on. To add insult to injury, we waited in the longest, slowest line in the history of the world (slight exaggeration) and were helped by the Stupidest Cashier Ever. By the time my order was placed, I'd morphed into the Biggest Bitch of the West and just wanted to crawl into a hole and hide away. Blame it on the headache, blame it on PMS, or blame it on the idiot cashier, but I couldn't even contain my irritation at how long the whole experience took. It's a good thing KFC is tasty because otherwise it would've been a bust. I was afraid Luana would be embarrassed by my little outburst (I wasn't *that*'s just say I've seen worse), but she agreed I was justified in my behavior. The worst part about the annoying cashier was the Extremely Jolly manager who tried to take over for her and calm me down by being extra friendly and cheery. Here's a tip, KFC workers the world over: When you're too stupid to live (let alone take orders) and have an irritated customer, get them out of there fast and leave them alone. When you ask if it's credit or debit and the customer says, "whichever is fine" DO NOT explain the difference between credit and debit as though they're an idiot. It doesn't help. I'm perfectly aware of the distinction between using my debit card as a credit card or having to type in my pin number. I'm not a moron. I just don't care which button you hit. Just hit one and let me be, OK? OK. Great. Yeah. Needless to say, it's time for bed.

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