Thursday, March 12, 2009

Going Back to Cali

In what can only be described as impeccable timing, I'm heading to California this weekend for my niece Ava's first birthday party - I'm super excited! My sister's family is driving down from Arizona and meeting us there. I can't wait to see everyone - it should be a lot of fun. Normally I head over to Arizona around this time of the year for my nephew Max's birthday, but now we'll be able to celebrate it in California. Wahoo! Also, I'm heading to Arizona next month for a girl's weekend with my friends from high school, so it'll be fun to be back by the ocean this weekend. I'm staying in San Diego with my friend Julie in her new place. I can't wait! Hooray for road trips, family, and friends! :)

1 comment:

  1. Have fun in warm Cali- and say hi to the ocean for me LOL
