Sunday, March 15, 2009

Favorite Picture Moments of the Day

As everyone knows, I'm a huge picture taker. I love love love taking pictures - especially of my loved ones, on special occasions, and of people who aren't together very often (OK, and really just all the time). Since it was Ava's birthday and several of my beloved family members were all together (which rarely happens), you can imagine just how many pictures were taken. Let's just say it's a ridiculous amount and be good with that. :) Here are a few of my favorites (oh, and I'll post more soon - some of my cropping isn't working, so I'll have to upload and edit them when I get home).
It was the first time my sister has ever met Ava, so we wanted to smooch her and envelope her in Auntie Love. :)
Cute girls and boys. We had a hard time convincing Owen that Max was a boy (due to the long hair). My brother's family and my sister's family.You know how some babies have trouble figuring out their birthday cakes? Yeah, Ava didn't seem to have any problem at all. She dove right in!
Posing with my sister on the beach? Easy. Trying to get five kids to pose for one picture with their Auntie? Not so much.
After seeing an entire school of dolphin (check out my pic of the dolphin above), we had Max's birthday celebration at Ruby's on the Pier.
At the end of the day, it's important to remember who was the special star today. Happy birthday, Ava. I hope you had a wonderful day! :)

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