Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Celebrity Wrap Up - Tuesday Edition

Good morning and welcome to today's edition of Celebrity Wrap Up.I can't really tell what Ellen Pompeo is wearing. Is it a shirt? A dress? Some sort of straitjacket? The only thing I recognize for sure are those hideous Lindsay-esque leggings. Blurgh.Oh, Kate. Shinier does NOT equal better, my friend. Get yourself to a stylist STAT. Run, don't walk. You're a walking version of "What Not To Wear."Why, Owen, that's quite a jaunty scarf you're rocking. Please stop letting Kate dress you in the morning. Obviously she has absolutely no idea what she's doing.Is J-Lo trying to rock a mullet? Or did she just accidentally get her hair cut at Wal-mart, as well? Yikes. What's with all the shiny metallic dresses lately? Solid Gold ended years ago; there's no need to bring it back in any form.

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