Monday, March 2, 2009

Celebrity Wrap Up - Monday Edition

Hello and welcome to today's edition of Celebrity Wrap Up.While there's nothing technically wrong with this picture, at first glance it looks like Housewives Gone Wild with inappropriate touching. Luckily, if you look closer, you'll notice the wandering finger is Eva's and not Felicity's (which is what it first appeared like). Kate Hudson continues her world tour entitled, "How To Let Yourself Go." It makes me deliriously happy when celebrities learn from their previous mistakes. SJP has finally learned the lesson that if you have bad hair (which, let's face it, she almost always does), you should wear a hat. I'm so proud of you, SJP. I really am.Kelly Clarkson needs to be told a few things. #1 - horizontal stripes are NOT your friend #2 - You're wearing a SHIRT, sweetheart, that is not a dress. #3 - those black tights DO NOT equal pants. M'kay? How sad that Zac Efron doesn't even wash his hair for fancy occasions. Can someone please tell me what is the material on Vanessa's dress? I think my grandma had some of those roses in her closet. I'm imaging they smell like old person.

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