Monday, March 2, 2009

Celebrity Wrap Up - (Belated) Sunday Edition

My apologies for the belated posts. N* (*heretofore how he'll be known on here) hurt his finger and I've been over there since I got back in town. But, I digress....let's get to it.What is wrong with Kate Hudson these days? Now that she's gotten Owen Wilson back, it's like she's not even trying anymore. I guess I wouldn't either...heck, she's already got one heckuva man....why even get out of bed anymore? :)Katie Holmes is a walking billboard for Why You Should Never Marry A Crazy Person. Shame on you, TC. It's so sweet that Gwyneth Paltrow never gave up her dream of one day becoming a Solid Gold dancer, but what is up with those shoes? Ugh.Good girl, SJP - you'd better put your son's hair in a hat because if I see it looking a hot mess one more time, I'm just not sure what I'm going to do. Does Kanye West go out of his way to look like the biggest douchebag in the world? Or does it just come naturally?

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