Monday, March 2, 2009

An Award Winning Weekend

As I mentioned earlier, Cedar City was great. It was exactly what I needed to clear my head and get my thoughts together. My dad and I hung out, saw a few movies, and went to Outback for dinner (my favorite). It was perfect. As for the movies we saw, we wanted to see what all the fuss was about, so we went to see The Reader and Slumdog Millionaire. While we enjoyed both of them, I think we liked The Reader more. I think Kate Winslet totally deserved the Oscar for role; she was amazing. I didn't love Slumdog, but it was fine. I'm not sure I understand why it deserved Best Picture, but I could be biased (as I hate being told something is incredible - it seems to make me automatically dislike it for some reason. Plus, there was WAY too much hype about it). All in all, it was a fun trip and an action-packed day. :)

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