Wednesday, March 4, 2009

After the Final Sleaze

Wow, Jason can really lay it on thick. Did he really say that at least he'll be able to tell his son he handled himself with integrity? Perhaps he's unaware of the definition of the word integrity because I'm pretty sure it did NOT make an appearance on this show. On the plus side, I do love Molly and they look happy, so that's encouraging (until we read of their upcoming demise next week). I love that Trista (never one to shirk another opportunity to give her opinion or get more publicity) is speaking out about Jason's poor decision and how she feels sorry for Melissa. Oh, Trista. Bless your fame-whoring little heart.
The best news of all? We've got a new bachelorette, ladies and gentlemen! That's right - Jillian is going to be The Bachelorette starting in May (happy birthday to me!). :) I can't wait to see what surprises she's got in store. Will she start off by making them all eat hot dogs?

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