Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Why You Gotta Poke Me?

I don't understand the Facebook "poke" feature. Can someone please explain its purpose? I'm sure we've discussed this before, but I don't do any of that crap - I don't grow plants, I don't pass cyber drinks, I don't give hugs. The only thing I do is look at pictures, see what friends are up to, and play Scrabble. That's it. I don't need more things to do while online and I'm not sure why cyber drinks/foods/hugs are fun anyway (as, obviously, THEY'RE NOT REAL). A bunch of my friends play some Mafia Wars game...um, not for me. In fact, anytime anyone sends me anything, I block them from sending me something ever again. Oh yeah, I'm tough like that. Don't mess with me.
So, I've got a few friends who are rather fond of the "poke" feature. Are you kidding me with this? I can tolerate it *maybe* once in a great while. For those of you unfamiliar with the poking feature, basically when I log in, it says, "Dana has poked you. Poke back?" Fine. Whatever. Poke back. Yee-haw, that was so much fun I can't even stand it. Yeah, that's it. That's ALL it is. In addition to Dana, my friend Ahmed in Egypt loves to do it, as well. Fine, OK, once in awhile what can it hurt, right? Except Ahmed is getting crazy with it and poking me five times a day (yes, I realize that sentence sounded rather risque - get your mind out of the gutter). Last night Neverending Boyfriend decided to try to poke me. As if! He should know he's dead to me (again). If I had any gumption, I'd unfriend him, but instead I just deleted the poke. Take that! I'm so tough, right? :) Yeah, that's what I thought.

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