Sunday, February 15, 2009

Welcome to the World, Jamie Biser!

Last night I was lucky enough to spend the evening with the Biser family. It was perfect, as I didn't want to be home by myself on Pink Day and I also had to deliver Jamie's new blanket. Could he be any cuter in the blanket and matching hat? I think not. We had a great time and it was nice to be surrounded by people who were not only willing to celebrate Pink Day, but also wanted to spend time with me. Nyah (Debra's little girl) even asked me to move in forever. It's a wonderful feeling to feel so loved and adored. :) Kudos to Jim for the yummy steaks!

1 comment:

  1. Pink Day or no Pink Day we always want to spend time with you. Especially if you are bringing super cute home-made gifts with you. Nyah just wants you for a roommate, so if living on your own doesn't work out for you, you have a place to crash. Hope you don't mind the twin bed and little girl that goes with it.
    : )
