Monday, February 16, 2009

To Play The Field, or Not To Play The Field?

So, here's a question - how do you know if you should only date one person, or branch out and hang out with others? I've only been seeing the one by my own accord - it's not like he said to stop seeing anyone else, I just didn't want to see anyone but him. However, at what point does that change? The reason I ask is that I met someone who sparked my interest, but I'm not sure it's fair to start something while still being totally involved with someone else. Plus, I'd probably feel like I was cheating and I do want to see what's going to happen in the relationship I'm in. Why muck it up by making things even more complicated? I don't know. This is so confusing. Anyone have some advice?


  1. You have gotten a lot of hits on you evil Anthony post.

  2. all i know is that unless the guy is also on board with the "exclusive dating" thing then you better stay open to others.

  3. I say date em all! Not like they have to know about each other :)
