Thursday, February 19, 2009

Popping Your Gum Should Be Illegal

I know, I know, I realize I'm the most easily annoyed person on earth, but I think I found something even worse than incessantly chomping on gum. Time Warp Girl has taken to popping her gum in meetings now. As we've discussed, I don't understand even chewing gum (as it gives me a headache), so taking it to the next level and popping it over and over again (thereby to the annoyance of everyone around) boggles my mind. She seems to have no ability to discern the needs of others (or notice there are other people in the world, as she's constantly talking, interrupting, and oblivious to her infuriating habits). I thought we were doing better, as she's not allowed to eat (and by eat, I mean molest) her breakfast in meetings anymore (because there's nothing better than listening to someone eat), but apparently I was wrong. Kill me now.

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