Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Please Make the Chewing Stop

Earlier today I was in a room where I was surrounded by a symphony of gum chewing - it was the worst sound in the world. Not nice, quiet gum chewing, mind you - the most awful, vile, chomping gum chewing around. Maybe it's just me, but I don't understand gum chewing as an adult - I pretty much got that out of my system in high school (I was known at a bubblegum girl, after all). Why someone would choose to chomp annoyingly on a little piece of flavorless gum is beyond me. I'll stick to my tic tacs, thank you very much. No harm in annoying everyone around me with those.


  1. Was Miss Spears there??? Brit sure knows how to smack that gum around...especially on camera. "Hey, Y'all. *smack smack*"

  2. Chewing gum in a meeting keeps me from chewing someone's head off. Maybe that is why they do it. Or maybe, they knew it would annoy you and did it on purpose.

  3. I think that rattle of Tic Tacs has to go.
