Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Pinky's Fandance, Wednesday Edition

Let's get one thing out on the table right now - I loved The O.C. Now, you can call me a 12-year-old, call me crazy, call me a drama-loving fool, but I did. There, I said it. So, imagine my surprise to see Benjamin McKenzie (Ryan Atwood himself!!!) at Sundance several years ago when he was starring in the movie Junebug.I went to the premiere and was lucky enough to catch him while he was walking to his seat and could snap a quick picture. I don't remember what the exact words we exchanged were, but I'm sure they involved my love and adoration for his teeny bopper show.

1 comment:

  1. a couple summers ago i watched the entire first season on dvd - totally addictive!
