Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Pinky's Fandance - Wednesday Edition

I met Corey Feldman in San Luis Obispo, California about ten years ago when I went to watch his so-called band play (I say so-called because they never actually played, so it's only hearsay that they even exist). Of course I only went to see Corey (duh, has anyone met me?), but as they were getting ready to perform in this little bitty club, suddenly it was announced that due to some monetary dispute, they wouldn't be performing after all. I immediately fled the club and went out back, figuring that I'd catch Mouth himself walking out back. I was right.I saw him from quite a distance away, but I could tell by his walk that was him (go Goonies!!!). For some reason, I decided we were BFFs and said, "Hey Corey! What happened, man? What's going on?" and suddenly turned into a boy. I don't know what possessed me to talk like that (it was way worse than what I described and may have included a few yo yo yo's), but it seemed to work. We chatted for a bit and then took a picture (this was one of my scandalous phases, as evidenced by my risque shirt and lack of proper undergarment support) and all was right in the world. He's my THIRD Goonie! How stoked was I? :)

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