Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Pinky's Fandance - Tuesday Edition

A few years ago I was at the early morning screening of Friends with Money. As it had already premiered the night before, I wasn't really expecting to see anyone from the movie until the Q&A part when it was over. So, when I saw Jason Isaacs in the audience, I couldn't tell if I knew him or not. You know when you see people and you can't remember if you know them, or if you've seen them, or if they're famous? With him, he was so normal looking, I really couldn't tell. And then I remembered - not only was he the bad guy on The Patriot, but he was Malfoy's dad on the Harry Potter movies. Of course! So, I asked him for a picture and then created total chaos, as after I recognized him the entire audience jumped up and mobbed him. Ooops. I tend to do that sometimes.

1 comment:

Hiba said...

He's one of my favorite actors of all time. I love him so much. He's amazing. And everyone has met him but me. Damn you all! ;p