Monday, February 9, 2009

Where Are The Perfume Police When You Need Them?

I realize we've discussed this before, but I'm dying over here. The girl who sits in the vicinity of my cubicle has doused herself in her horrendous perfume yet again. They should provide gas masks to those of us who sit within smelling range of that atrocity. Don't they know I might die? It reminds me of my Freshman year in college when I lived with a girl who wore the most offensive perfume known to man (which, not coincidentally, resembles the perfume being used here). When she was away in class, I used to spray it out the window in hopes it'd be gone and the terrible smell would cease. No such luck. She came back from Christmas break with an entire set of perfume, bath soap, lotion, the works. Curses! Foiled again! If anyone has a gas mask handy, please pass it my way. Otherwise, I fear my demise is imminent....

1 comment:

  1. I'm so with you on this one. I think perfume in offices should totally be banned.
