Wednesday, February 4, 2009

I've Been Butchered!!!

You know the feeling when you've just had a GREAT haircut and you can't wait to show it off because you know you look amazing? Yeah, that was NOT my experience yesterday. I should've known it was going to be trouble when: 1) I went to Walmart (first mistake) and 2) The ladies working looked like escapees from the circus. I should have left right then. Now, it should be noted that I do have a hairstylist whom I love and adore and have been going to for years, but she's on vacation and I simply couldn't wait one more second to cut this overprocessed and dried out mop of hair. It was driving me crazy and my impatience won out over common sense. In the history of all bad decisions regarding my hair, they generally happen when I get impatient (and still I do it anyway). Needless to say, I'm mortified and want to hide under my bed. And, no, you will not be seeing a picture anytime soon. A hat didn't even look good this morning (*insert tears here*).

1 comment:

Ruthie----OH! said...

Now that I've seen the do, I'll tell you that it isn't that bad. I couldn't tell what was wrong until you pointed it out. You should never go back there again.