Monday, February 16, 2009

Hard Times, Jillian

So, I'm really not sure what I think about The Bachelor. How can he see all three ladies as his future wife? I know, I know, that's the whole premise of the show, but he does seem to be falling willy-nilly. Oh, and apparently I shouldn't check Facebook while watching the show because someone just put they couldn't believe Jason sent Jillian home as their status update. What? That's just mean to post the results when people are still watching (I say, as I'm updating my blog long before it airs in California)! It is quite a surprise, though. I was kinda digging Jillian tonight (after being lukewarm about her and, quite frankly, most of them for this round of the show). Holy crap, he picked Melissa first? I think she might win, if only because he's an idiot and she's got the qualities of his ex-wife and DeAnna (when does she come back anyway? I'm going to HATE that). Who knows what's going to happen. It's not like the winner will last anyway, right? :)

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