Monday, February 2, 2009

Does Anyone Have a Heart to Spare?

Isn't it funny how our hearts want what they want, regardless of whether we're on board or not? Granted, I'm definitely on board with the direction my heart is going in, I'm just afraid I'm in for a world of hurt. I know, I may just be overreacting (who, me?), but I do want to be guarded. Does anyone happen to know how I can be open and guarded at the same time? How do these things ever work? Is there a class I can take? I think those of us who are Relationship Challenged should have some sort of schooling available at a discounted rate. Of course, I don't know what's going to happen and I'm having a blast, so that's what I should be focusing on, right? Enjoy the ride, stop stirring up drama, and keep smiling...yep, that's what I'm planning to do. Oh wait. Maybe I need to stop planning, too. See, I'm a mess! :)

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