Thursday, February 19, 2009

Chocolate Anyone?

Did anyone else sell candy growing up? Being the overly active family we were, we always seemed to have these candy bars in the house - for baseball, softball, basketball, gymnastics, soccer - you name it, we played it. My friend at work is selling chocolate bars as a fundraiser for her daughter and just seeing those all-too-familiar chocolate bars brought back a whirlwind of memories. How many doors did I knock on to sell those freaking bars? My dad taught us that the best strategy in selling them would be to say, "So, how many candy bars would you like? Ten or twenty?" Eveb if they just said one or two you still sold a few, right? Genius! Still, I think most of the bars ended up in our stomachs (especially the carmel bars - still my favorite to this day). The best part now is the Pizza Hut coupon on the side (although, why they're trying to fatten us up with chocolate AND pizza is beyond me).

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