Monday, February 9, 2009

Celebrity Wrap Up, Tuesday Edition

Hello and welcome to today's edition of Celebrity Wrap Up.Is it just me, or does Denise "I'll be right back and take a picture with you (except I lie)" Richards have a serious case of Crazy Eyes? And what's with the scarf? Angelina Jolie not only looks like a wax figure, but she appears to be trying to jazz up her dress by adding some superhero stripes. At least her dad was nice enough to accompany her.Oh, snap. Apparently Jennifer Hudson went to Wal-mart for her haircut, as well. Poor thing.What on earth is wrong with Penelope Cruz's posture? Is this some leftover side effect from dating TC? And I'm NOT digging the bangs at all. Ick.Joaquin Phoenix would like the world to know he'd no longer like to be referred to as a sex symbol. Um, what? Last I checked, Joaquin was never a sex symbol. Ever. His brother, River, heck yes. That boy was scrumptious delish. But Joaquin (or Leaf, as he was known in his youth)?? Not so much.

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