Thursday, February 19, 2009

Celebrity Wrap Up - Thursday Edition

Hello and welcome to today's edition of Celebrity Wrap Up.Oh, Lindsay. Obviously you're tiring of my constant nagging about your leggings/tights. Did you think wearing ACTUAL tights as pants was going to make me stop razzing you? Yeah, nice try.Hi, Kanye? Michael Jackson called and would like his Thriller costume returned. Oh, and what happened to your girlfriend's hair? Did you buzz it off?Someone please call the authorities as the legendary Big Foot has been found and is seemingly attacking Posh Spice. Or, she killed it with her heels and is now just wearing his carcass around.Now, Katy Perry is throwing me off with this outfit because, while I abhor the Lindsay leggings and trashy shoes, if you look closely she's wearing a sparkly Hello Kitty shirt (!). And really, is there anything better in all the world than Hello Kitty attire?Um, Andie MacDowell? You might not have noticed, but you seem to have a bib, or a slip, or some other sort of atrocity sticking out of your jacket.

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