Friday, February 20, 2009

Celebrity Wrap Up - Saturday Edition

I thought I'd blog a little early since I need to do something to get my mind off my broken heart. I tried to sleep, but alas, no such luck. Blurgh. What on earth is on the front side of Kate Bosworth's dress? Is that an animal? How is she not toppling over?When I look at this picture of Heidi Klum, I suddenly can't get the Robert Palmer song "Addicted to Love" out of my head. Remember that video with the girls in tight buns and red lipstick? I'm just saying.Way to go, Charlie Sheen. Nothing says, "I'm a responsible, grown-up father (of almost five!)" like wearing a douchebag hat in a strip club. Classy.I think Kate Beckinsale took her role on the Underworld movies a little too seriously. Either that, or she walked away with some of the vampire wardrobe. Is that pleather?Poor Paula Abdul. It's hard times when you pose with a vacuum and it looks better than you.

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