Saturday, February 14, 2009

Celebrity Wrap Up - Saturday Edition

Hello and welcome to today's edition of Celebrity Wrap Up.Holy crap. Someone appears to love Pink Day even more than I do (although, I think she *might* be taking it a step too far).Um, Rudy Huxtable, I think I speak for everyone when I say NO ONE wants to see you flash that much leg. Seriously. Cover yourself up or else Bill Cosby is going to throw a blanket over you.I thought Gwyneth Paltrow was supposed to be some style icon? I'm fairly certain I saw that dress at Pic-n-Save last week and the necklace was from a bubblegum machine. Nice breastplate.Isn't there some sort of fashion rule that says if your belt hangs lower than your teeny tiny pants, you need to change? Amanda Bynes, pull it together.How did Jennifer Hudson appear in the Sex and the City movie and still be clueless when it comes to fashion? Blue shoes? Blue shoes? Paired with a dinner napkin and shiny alien shield? Hmmmm.

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