Saturday, February 28, 2009
On the Road Again
Pinky's Fandance, Saturday Edition
I have to admit when we saw Mo'Nique walking down some stairs at Sundance, I wasn't really sure it was her because she looked so much smaller than she appears on-screen. Once we realized it was her (I was with Hiba and Heidi), we asked for her picture and she was pure sugar.
She kept saying, "Oh, thank you, baby." It was fun. After her outstanding performance in Push at the festival, I'm hoping she gets nominated for something next year. She totally deserves it!

Friday, February 27, 2009
Celebrity Wrap Up - Saturday Edition
Hello and welcome to Saturday's edition of Celebrity Wrap Up.
I've never seen an entire dress made out of Christmas ribbons and tinsel before. Impressive.
Is Debra Messing wearing a suitcase as a dress? What kind of material is that? Leather?
Owen Wilson's hair looks like he's a first-grader taking his class picture. Bless his heart.
Is Kyle Minogue wearing a towel?
The biggest thing I've always appreciated about Carmen Electra is her subtley.

Happy Anniversary to Me!!!

Pinky's Fandance, Friday Edition
As you probably know (as I'm sure we've discussed it before), one of my favorite current sitcoms is The New Adventures of Old Christine (and if you haven't watched it, you should be). Julia Louis-Dreyfus is hysterical and the supporting cast is perfect. Clark Gregg was at Sundance last year to promote his film Choke. When I first saw him getting out of his car (and, obviously, he was on the phone), I recognized him immediately, but couldn't remember what he was on. His voice (as, again, he was on the phone) was SO familiar, but I couldn't place it.
After we took the picture (which he was nice enough to do, despite having just arrived and being a bit frazzled), I finally remembered that he plays Christine's ex-husband on the show who's always around. Well, duh! I probably could've waited to get the picture, as I did end up seeing him all over the place and spoke to him a few more times, but I kind of like having the phone in the picture. It's definitely different! :)
No Love for the Jonai Fungi

On a somewhat related note, we played the B*tchy team and the Queen B of the group was actually nice. What on earth? It felt like I was in an episode of the Twilight Zone or something.
Celebrity Wrap Up - Friday Edition
Hello and welcome to today's edition of Celebrity Wrap Up.
I'm sorry, Drew, you know I adore you, but I'm afraid I'm just not into this outfit. Did a dog attack your jeans?
Oh, good. Lindsay Lohan has taken her leggings fetish to an all-time low by matching her tights (?) or whatever they are with her scarf. Yikes.
Why is that peace sign trying to feel up Sheryl Crow?
Is Kate Hudson going horseback riding? I certainly hope so, because that would be the only logical answer for her ridiculous costume choice. At least she's got the perfect accessory (HELLO, Owen).
Jennifer Aniston is usually perfectly attired, so I'm saddened by this dress made out of a couch. OK, you caught me, maybe I just wanted to post another picture of Owen....

Thursday, February 26, 2009
Behold the Soothing Fountains
One thing I love about where I work is the building I work in. It's such a unique, interesting place and our company founder was a huge fountain lover, so he made sure they were all over the place. We've got two inside that are incredible and so soothing when you're having a bad day (not that I ever have one of those). I just found some pictures of them and wanted to share.

Pinky's Fandance, Thursday Edition
I saw Alan Cumming several years ago while I was waiting in line to get into Harry O's (which typically isn't my scene at all - I think we had a free pass or something). When I saw Alan walking down the street, I immediately jumped out of line and asked him for a picture.
I think my favorite part of the picture is that he looks so unimpressed and like, "Eh, whatever" by the whole thing. I actually did see him there again this year, but I didn't feel like asking for another one. I have to be in the mood to get duplicates with the same person and I guess I just didn't want it badly enough.

Shmegan Does Ree's
Celebrity Wrap Up - Thursday Edition
Good morning and welcome to today's edition of Celebrity Wrap Up.
Katie Holmes, no longer satisfied with her past attempts at obtaining freedom, has now taken to wearing her feelings (and pain and suffering) by shlepping around in grubby clothes and messy hair. We feel your pain, Katie. We really do.
Are Sheryl Crow and Mick Jagger posing for a Botox ad? Or, more specifically, why people should look into using it? Yikes.
I actually I have nothing bad to say about Melissa George's Oscar dress. I think it's lovely. I do wonder why she was there, though. Did you even know who she was? She had a few appearances on Grey's Anatomy, but otherwise I'm not sure why she was invited. Seemed random to me.
Does Anne Hathaway think she's a pirate? What's with the neck gear?
Obviously Hilary Duff's favorite movie is Flashdance, as evidenced by her torn shirt and jaunty earrings. Nice leggings from Lindsay, too. Will this leggings craze ever end?

Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Recognition@Work Makes Me Happy
Life Before Facebook
I'm so emeshed in my Facebook world that I can hardly remember Life Before Facebook. It's such a convenient and handy thing to have around - one place for practically all your contacts (and more joining every day). I triple love it (yes, I know you're shocked to hear that). Last night I was wondering how Facebook came to be - where did the original idea come from?
What were the various incarnations of the site? Is the person who thought it up happy with the results? Do they have an inordinate amount of friends? Do they have "master access" where they can see everyone's page? How does it work? I would love to be the creator of Facebook (as apparently I'm already the President - oh wait, maybe I'm just a Facebook missionary who likes to preach its good merits all over the world), except the site would, of course, be pink (not blue). I wonder what other changes I could make? The possibilities boggle the mind.

The Heart Wants What The Heart Wants

It's funny how the human heart works. Despite having plenty of factual and logical evidence to the contrary, I'm afraid my heart wants what my heart wants and my brain simply cannot be convinced otherwise. As you can see, my brain and my heart have been battling it out for days, but I'm afraid heart trumps brain, despite possibly my better judgment (how can that be the correct way to spell judgment? It looks so wrong...it desperately needs the e in there). Now, if only I could calm down and stop worrying so much, all would be well with the world.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Pinky's Fandance, Wednesday Edition
Let's get one thing out on the table right now - I loved The O.C. Now, you can call me a 12-year-old, call me crazy, call me a drama-loving fool, but I did. There, I said it. So, imagine my surprise to see Benjamin McKenzie (Ryan Atwood himself!!!) at Sundance several years ago when he was starring in the movie Junebug.
I went to the premiere and was lucky enough to catch him while he was walking to his seat and could snap a quick picture. I don't remember what the exact words we exchanged were, but I'm sure they involved my love and adoration for his teeny bopper show.

Friends Make The World Go Round

Celebrity Wrap Up - Wednesday Edition
Hello and welcome to Wednesday's edition of Celebrity Wrap Up.
Does Tilda Swinton realize that if she matched her skirt to her top, she would look exactly like the Oscar statuette?
It's too bad Marisa Tomei couldn't borrow some of her excess material from her Oscar dress and glue it to the bottom of her other outfit (which I'm not going to call a dress because, let's face it - it's barely a long nightshirt).
While I realize HSM was a huge jugernaut of a movie, I'm still at a loss why these two were at the Oscars and involved in a musical number. Were they short of celebs to draw the teeny boppers? Because I'm sure the Jonas Brothers were available to suck. 
I can't tell if I like these dresses or not. I mean, they're not really much different. Let's just hope Virginia Madsen and Heidi Klum didn't run into each other on the red carpet...because that would be A LOT of red.
I've said it before and I'll say it again - pockets do not belong anywhere near the vicinity of a fancy dress. Sure, they might be comfy, but they are NOT attractive. Alyssa, you are not the boss of that outfit (sorry, couldn't resist).

What Could I Give Up?
I've always been fascinated by people who celebrate Lent - those who give away their favorite habits for a set period of time. When I was little I had a friend who gave up sugar (oh, the horror!) and a few years ago another friend gave up alcohol (double horror!). Now, granted, I don't technically celebrate Lent, but perhaps I should.
Let's see....what could I give up? Diet Pepsi? NEVER! Um, Facebook? Yeah, right. TV? Well, I haven't watched much anyway, so that could be do-able. How about just flaky men (or men in general)? Yeah, that could work. What are they doing for me lately anyway, except making me cry? Not a whole lot, that's for sure.

Pinky's Fandance, Tuesday Edition
The first time I remember experiencing the music of Tears for Fears was when my brother Paulie was singing the "Shout" song in our vanagon. From that point on, their music could always put a smile on my face.
When I heard they were doing a meet and greet at a local radio station a few years ago I jumped at the chance to meet them (despite being reminded of my ever-increasing age at the sight of their aging faces). Their music was great and it was fun to hear them speak with those dreamy English accents. Hopefully more 80's bands will visit local stations and I can meet even more. :)

Taking a Stand

Celebrity Wrap Up - Tuesday Edition
In continuing with our theme of All Things Oscar, I present today's worst offenders from the other night.
Beyonce never seems to disappoint when selecting a gown made by her mother. Egads, the horror.
Was Jessica Biel afraid she'd spill and thereby had a bib built into her dress?
While there's a small part of me that digs Mickey Rourke's casual (albeit obvious nod to Saturday Night Fever) digs, I'm not sure the pendant with a picture of his dog was classy or trashy.
Oh, Whoopi. Let's just write this off as a major whoops and move along, Cheshire Cat.
Did anyone else catch when they called Philip Seymour Hoffman by the wrong name? They said Seymour Philip Hoffman. Anyway, regardless of the snafu, it's not an excuse to have hat hair at the Academy Awards. Why would you wear a beanie in Southern California anyway?

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