Sunday, January 25, 2009

Yep, I Choked

So, lest you think I'm impervious to the big, bad celebrities, let's clear one thing up: I'm not. I get nervous. I chicken out. And once in awhile, I choke. Big Time. The other night, I had a clear shot at getting shut down by the one and only Jodie Foster and what did I do? NOTHING. I choked. It was JODIE freaking FOSTER, for crying out loud. Granted, I could've just asked to see how elaborately she'd shut me down, but I couldn't even speak. There she was, sitting in the audience, no one around, clear path directly to her, and Pinky choked like a scared kindergardener. Nice. You know I'm replayed that in my head, oh, like 500 times so far. How could I be such a chicken? (Ruthie, are you rubbing off on me??). :)

1 comment:

  1. Suprising! Ah well... it'll keep the hunt interesting to have Jodie still in the game!
