Friday, January 2, 2009

Why You Can Ignore Lame Gifts on Facebook

As much as I love and adore Facebook (who, me?), I do not understand the stupid movie quizzes, public gifts, or "so and so took a test and thinks you're....." notifications. I despise these things. Anytime anyone sends me anything other than a message on my wall or my inbox, it gets deleted and blocked. I don't want to grow a plant, I don't want to be poked, and I don't want to know what you think my love life is like. I don't care. I want to see what you're doing and look at pictures of your family (and occasionally play Scrabble), but that's where I draw the line. DO NOT waste my time by sending me stupid crap. Don't make me un-friend you. :) Useless gifts on Facebook are the equivalent of the "way-too-happy-to-forward-every-funny-email-joke-under-the-sun" friends. You know the ones I'm talking about. You see their name in your inbox with FWD: at the beginning of the email and just groan inside. Yeah, those. It must have been one of these people who invented the silly time wasters on Facebook. Who else would've thought of it?


  1. Since this isn't facebook ... consider yourself poked by me, I sent you a growing pink plant, I took a movie quiz and my result is "Pretty in Pink", also here's a hello kitty flair, and I'm also sending you an iHug and iSmile! Love your guts!!! :D

  2. See... that's why I don't do Facebook- too complicated! hee hee..j/k.. I really will get on Facebook sometime soon...Love Ya!
