Monday, January 5, 2009

Where are the Holiday Police When I Need Them?

Let's get one thing straight - not taking your holiday decorations down from your home is one thing (because sometimes when you're a hermit like me no one will see them anyway), but not taking down your Christmas cards and holiday decorations at work is a cardinal sin. NO ONE WANTS TO SEE THAT CRAP after the New Year. No one. There's a girl who sits on my cubicle row who's still displaying all of her Christmas cards. All of them. TAKE THEM DOWN. I don't know why they annoy me so much, but they do. She needs to take them down. They drive me crazy. It's January 5th - well past the time for things to come down. Even if she was out last week (which she wasn't), she had all day to remove them. And yet at the end of the day, there they were. Every last card. I'm afraid I might walk by and accidentally tear them off from the wall, one by one. And I might make some frightening, evil sound as I do this. It would help everyone out if she just takes them down. Is there some hotline number I can call for the Holiday Police? 1-800-No-Ho-Ho? :) Oh, and for the record, I took down my trees tonight. So there.


  1. Ok so how do you feel about this subject? Really tell us.

  2. Don't come to my desk for at least another 15 appears that I must take my holiday cards off the wall.

  3. I will state here that all my Christmas Cards went home with me before the Christmas Holiday- all but the one I received from Pinky. It has all the fab celebs and well, it's pretty darn cool. So, I have left that one up. So deal!
