Monday, January 12, 2009

What's in a Voice?

Long ago and far away, back before caller ID, the person saying, "Hey, it's me" was quite presumptuous, don't you think? There are very few people I'd say, "Hey, it's me" to, although these days it's almost a moot point with caller ID. Still, there are times people block their numbers or call from another line. Those always throw me off. I hate playing the guessing game as to who it is (plus, what if you're wrong??). When I was growing up, I had my own phone line in my room (which was HUGE back then). Of course, since I'm 1oo, this was long before caller ID or call waiting, so if I was on the phone (which, let's be frank, was pretty much constantly), it would just be busy for about...forever (hence the reason I was given my own line to begin with). I'm not sure if we've discussed this before, but my sister and I have pretty much the same voice. She just revealed to me that she used to answer my phone when I wasn't there (even though I had an answering machine) and talk to people (as though she were me) to get scoop on me. Can you believe it?!? I wonder what she learned. It's funny to think about that now.

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