Monday, January 5, 2009

Third Time's a Charm?

I haven't decided if I'm going to do a recap of The Bachelor this season because as I watched it tonight I remembered that I actually hate the girls on The Bachelor and I'm not exactly sure I can tolerate the entire season. They're always so mean and rotten. And is it just me or are these especially terrible? I mean, at least in past seasons the girls were nice to look at....these ones are just rough. Who decided to scrape the bottom of the barrel for these trollops? I mean, I know Jason is especially nice and sincere, so why does that mean he gets less-than-stellar candidates? And DeAnna comes back?!?! Really? I almost threw something at the TV when I saw that preview. The nerve!!! Oooh, that makes me so mad. I did like these girls, but why does the widow lady look like Jason's mom? And the poor big eyed girl during the Rose Ceremony - did they have to focus on her because of her doe-eyed look? I will give the show bonus points for showing a lot of Jason's bare chest (yummy) and throbbing muscles. I also liked that there were a few more single mom's for him to choose from (and that Ty got to be with him for awhile). But, overall, it seems to be lacking the "zsa zsa zsu." Does anyone else agree?

1 comment:

  1. Totally. I was less than impressed with the girls as well. And frankly, I don;t think DeAnna should have any sort of chance to come back and steal him away. I mean really- she had her choice, she made her choice and although things didn't work out for the best, she gets to come back and what? Rip open his wound and pour salt in it? I don't think that she should be allowed back. And frankly, I hope the girls do get catty with her!
