Monday, January 26, 2009

Sunny Skies + Snow = Terrible Fashion

I've been trying to pay attention to the styles (or lack thereof) at Sundance this year and I have to say I was a bit horrified. You know the Lindsay Lohan look I hate with the leggings? Yeah, take that and multiply it by a thousand degrees and you have what people thought was fashionable at Sundance. I realize it was hot outside (well, as hot as it could be in January in Park City) and the sun was shining almost every day, but that's no excuse for poor fashion. Silly kids. I was able to sneak a few pictures on my camera phone. These are actual outfits. Yes, I know. Awful, right?Even worse? I saw a few people not wear the tights at all...just a long shirt/short skirt (I couldn't tell the difference) with bare legs. What is this world coming to? I know, I sound like an 80-year-old prude, right? But, come on. Tights do not equal pants. They never have and they never will. Get a clue, people.

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