Thursday, January 22, 2009

Sundance Pics - Day Seven

Things are actually slowing down around town, as it usually does the second half of the Festival. I was certain I wouldn't have any luck on Main Street today, but I was pleasantly surprised. I was also joined for most of the day by my friend Nick, who humored me as I walked Main, had dinner, and then we went to a film and met "the boys" for a drink. It was a really fun day, but I'm wiped out.
Virginia Madsen
James Gandolfini. The best part about this picture is that when I asked him for the picture, he said, "Sweetheart, in that outfit you can have whatever you want" and then proceeded to make some (lewd?) signs to his buddies. I have no idea what that means, but it was pretty funny.
Billy Bob Thornton is so sexy for some reason. I love that he's pursing his lips.
Ben FosterJoseph Gordon Leavitt (I've been wanting a picture with him all week - I love him). I was so excited.


  1. Ya should have told Virgina that you saw her bad movie I gave you that I worked on with her. Super cool pictures.

  2. I've commented before, but must comment again. You are one lucky lady!!! It has been so fun to take a few minutes and look at your pics. I am so starstruck I would probably be falling all over myself if I actually saw someone famous. I keep telling myself I must get up there someday. Maybe next year :) Glad you had an amazing time and the pics are awesome!
