Thursday, January 1, 2009

Pinky's Year in Review - Part Two

And now, to continue the Year in Review....
July started with a fun trip to my Mom's for the 4th of July with my brothers and their families.
My Dad and I went to see the American Idol concert and then John Mayer in concert, and I met 8 out of the 9 Osmond siblings.
In August, I went to a Girl's Weekend in California and then to see James Taylor in concert. The next week I went to the Regeneration Tour with Belinda Carlisle and a bunch of great '80s bands. I even got to hang out with the drummer from Naked Eyes.I went to Park City with McFamily and my brother's family to visit for the weekend. The month ended with a trip to Colorado for my niece, Zoey's, third birthday.
In September, I went to Arizona for my oldest nephew, Spenser's, 11th birthday, hung out a lot with McFamily, dyed my hair, and had dinner with my friends from college.
October brought the end of Farmer's Market, McP's first birthday, and Halloween fun.
November brought my Mom and Mike's birthdays and a trip to Arizona for Thanksgiving.
And finally, December brought a bridal shower, The Festival of Trees, and holidays spent with family and friends. Phew, what a year! :)

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