Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Pinky's Fandance - Wednesday Edition

I saw Lance Bass walking down the street a few years ago. I was so excited to see him, but I wasn't sure how he'd be, since he'd been recently outed online. Luckily, he was perfectly fine. There were a ton of paparazzi, so he said to wait a second and then he'd take a picture with me. I was stoked! I'd seen him years earlier but couldn't get close. Yes, I know you love the Hello Kitty earmuffs. :)


  1. Hoe could you even tell it was him.

  2. Are you KIDDING? She's Kristen... she can sniff out a celebrity a mile away and through brick walls. No disguise is ever enough for the super-stealth Pink Celebrity Tracking Ability.
