Today's episode of Pinky's Fandance is dedicated to my friend Heidi (of Heidi and Hiba fame, not McH), as she's a *wee* bit in like with Mr. Jason Ritter (who has got to be the nicest celebrity on earth). I first met Jason in 2003 and have seen him a few times since.

Every time he's just as nice as nice can be - he rides the shuttles, is always happy to pose for pictures with fans, and is as down to earth as anyone you'd meet. I love him. What a sweetheart.

The first time I met him was right after his dad (John Ritter) had passed away and I told him I was sorry to hear about his dad. I swear I almost started crying (yes, I'm a total baby). He seemed genuinely touched, though. But, then again, that's the type of cute boy he is.
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