Saturday, January 10, 2009

Pinky's Fandance - Sunday Edition

Despite the large and ever-flowing wealth of celebrity knowledge inside my pink brain, I don't always know every celebrity in my path. I know, I know, it sounds crazy, but it's true. However, there are certain signs that a person is a celebrity even if you don't recognize them. Here are some signs: 1) The person is impossibly tiny. 2) They are being followed around by a large group of people and/or photographers. 3) They're carrying tons of bags of free swag. 4) They're wearing black, too much fur, and/or sunglasses. In the case of Kristen Bell, she was both 1 and 3, so I knew she had to be someone. Luckily, she was on the phone and had to say her name; even though it was before she joined Heroes, I recognized her name from Veronica Mars. Once she was off the phone, I was able to ask her for a photo and she was as nice as nice could be. I love this picture because we look super coordinated - or like we're BFFs. :)

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